Interim Report Of Eyebrow-Restorer Clinical Trial
As I treat hair loss patients, sometimes patients are concerned about losing hair on areas other than the scalp, especially the eyebrows. Women can be treated with micro-pigmentation, commonly known as ‘eyebrow tattoo’, but what about men? Even many women dislike micro-pigmentation and draw eye-line everyday, and they hope for thick and plenty eyebrows so that they can simply trim it. I’ve heard such concern over and over, and eventually I decided to make an eyebrow-restorer. I began to blend the treatment using the ingredientsfrom the hair growth solutions, which I used to treat the hair loss, and other highly concentrated nutritive compounds that help the hair growth.
I’ve tried many mixtures with different maxing ratio, and after checking its safety through 24hour skin test;the actual clinical experiment was done.
Come to think of it, this is the 2nd clinical experiment. Through the 1stexperiment there was 40% increase in the number of the hair, so with the same formula that was used in the 1st experiment, I began the 2nd experiment with a slight change in the ingredient.
The 2nd clinical experiment began at the end of March and currently three months have passed.
The participants are 31years old, and male and female ratio is 4:6.
Today I will reporton the proceedings of a male participant as an interim report.
The male participant, 40 years old, came to the clinic because he had concerns about the thin eyebrow-ends, and took part in the clinical experiment. The first photo was taken at 23rd March before the clinical experiment, and each photo was taken in one-month interval after the first shot.The left picture is the before photo of using the treatment, and the right picture is the photo after two months. The treatment was applied once a day, before sleep, and there were no skin trouble or itchiness. The above participant has felt the increase in the number and thickness of the eyebrow. After the analysis on the photo there were no big difference on the front region of the eyebrows, but the both ends of the eyebrows actually became longer and thicker. After looking at the comparison photo, the participant said that his eyebrows definitely seem to have improved and he will continue using the treatment for the last month of clinical experiment.
I will organize the results once again when the clinical experiment is finished, and I appreciate all the participants who are kindly applying the treatment everyday for over two months.