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Knot In Shoulder And Neck Is A Sign Of Hair Loss.

이문원 2012. 9. 7. 10:46

Stiff Shoulder And Neck Is A Sign Of Hair Loss.

-Health Chosun2012. 07. 30

More and more modern people are suffering from the hair loss. This is because the influential factors of hair loss such as busy life and stress, as well as hot and humid summer, ultra violetrays, etc. are increasing. However, if you pay careful attention to the signs that your body tells you, you can avoid hair loss. Your body warns you with symptoms when there is something wrong, so that you will notice.

Dr. Lee Moonwon from Lee Moon Won oriental medicinal clinic said, “When there is hair loss, several symptoms other than hair pulling off occur. You should practice to notice the changes in your body.”

Body heat, root of all illness, also causes hair loss.

Head should be cooled and feet should be warm is a timeworn saying. You need to control the body heat to stay healthy.

You need to take extra care because hair loss is a disease that is especially influenced by the body heat. Generally when there is heat in the head or face, it is easier to get hair loss. The heat opens the pores in the scalp and weakens the hair root’s ability to hold the hair.Besides this, when the body heat rises to the upper torso, other diseases like acne, dermatitis seborrheic, rhinitis, headache, etc. can also occur. Therefore, you need to keep your head cool.

Suspect hair loss if you have stiff shoulder and neck, frequent headache

Modern people often feel stiffness in the shoulder or muscles around the neck due to the working environment where they have to sit for a long time. With the stress, the pain is even intense.

When such symptom repeats continuously, the muscles and blood vessels of the forehead, chin, and back of the head, which supply blood to the scalp, become tense and disturbs blood circulation. When there is not enough blood circulation in the scalp, there won't be enough nutrition and the hair becomes thin and crumbly, and eventually lead to the hair loss. Also, the muscle that wraps around the skullcontracts galeaaponeurotica and cause tension in the scalp, which causes hair loss.


Stiff scalp and anemia

When there is a hair loss, the hair root, hair follicle and the scalp shrink, stiffens and loses flexibility. When the scalp and subcutaneous tissuebecomes thin, the depth of the hair follicle also becomes shallow and small, and then the hair becomes thin as well. As the hair becomes thinner, it loses strength to hold onto the scalp and easy to fall off. Hence, if your scalp becomes stiff and thin, you should take care of your hair and scalp health.

Above these, in the case of females, decrease in the period and frequent anemia can be seen as the signs of the hair loss. If such symptoms occur, you can partially reestablish by taking iron supplement. Iron relieves anemia and at the same time accelerates the growth rate of the hair and makes the hair glossy.

If you lose more hair than the usual, and you have above symptoms, you should suspect hair loss and take extra care.

The hair loss management recommended by Dr. Lee Moonwon is as follows.

1. Maintain healthy scalp by keeping it clean

Washing your hair is really important for the scalp health. However, some people avoid washing hair because they think that it makes more hair to fall off, but if you don’t wash your hair, the sebum and the bodily waste pollutes the scalp and cause scalp disease or hair loss. Therefore, you should always wash your hair to help blood circulation and keep the scalp and hair healthy. The oily scalp should wash twice a day, morning and night, but in the case of healthy scalp, once a day or two days is enough.

2. Cool down the body temperature by drinking enough water.

One of the causes of the hair loss is lack of nutrition in the scalp due to bad metabolism. Therefore, you need to hydrate yourself in order to improve metabolism. When your body lacks water, the metabolism of the cell is disturbed, which causes bodily wastes and toxinto stay in the body and cause diseases.

The appropriate amount of daily water intake is 2.5L, and you take 0.5L through food, so you should drink extra 2L.

However, you should notice that drinking abundant water when your stomach is in bad condition could cause problems.

3. Avoid wearing things like hats and wigs, which disturbs air and blood circulation.

Many people wear hats or wigs to cover the hair loss area. However, sunlight sterilizes the dandruffgerms and provides vitamin D, so,if possible, you should minimize wearing hats and wigs. Also, wearing hats and wigs over a long period interrupts the air circulation and blood circulation, which makes the scalp easily fester. If you are in a situation where you must wear a hat or a wig, gently massage your scalp when you take it off, and always keep the hat or wig clean.