Hair loss 썸네일형 리스트형 Newly created M ointment (medical treatment supplement) for M type alopecia(hair loss) Newly created M ointment (medical treatment supplement) for M type alopecia(hair loss) M ointment with treatments for M type hair loss has been renewed Newly created M ointment (medical treatment supplement) 1)The effectiveness of the treatment is enhanced by much active ingredient 2) gunk after use has been reduced 3) it washs off well Most of patients who used this product are satisfied with i.. 더보기 The process of foreign patients 1 We have been introducing about detailed treatment & management program of our foreign patients. Today, we are going to introduce **, 25 years old female from China as third. ** is a student of language study in Korea and she visited our hospital with a problem of hair loss and growing a new hair starting from 2 years ago. She is trying to communicate in Korean, not Chinese with the staff of our .. 더보기 (New Project) How To Keep Healthy Hair In Your 60’s and 70’s (New Project) How To Keep Healthy Hair In Your 60’s and 70’s Since treating hair loss patients for many years and consulting them on their lifestyles,I was able to find out that they had bad life habits in common. Sleeping late or shifted night and day activity, irregular mealtime, instant foods and even skipping meals, and those who don’t know how to deal with the stress and just hold it down.S.. 더보기 Knot In Shoulder And Neck Is A Sign Of Hair Loss. Stiff Shoulder And Neck Is A Sign Of Hair Loss. -Health Chosun2012. 07. 30 More and more modern people are suffering from the hair loss. This is because the influential factors of hair loss such as busy life and stress, as well as hot and humid summer, ultra violetrays, etc. are increasing. However, if you pay careful attention to the signs that your body tells you, you can avoid hair loss. Your.. 더보기 is it better to dry your hair or just leave it? People wash their hair once or twice a day and suddenly a question bells in their mind, “Maybe I shouldn't bother drying my hair." People face this kind of trouble at least once in their lives. Some people leave their hair to dry by its own because they think that using hair dryer causes hair loss, or sometimes they are just too busy in the morning. But the question is: is it better to dry your .. 더보기 Does the hair loss make the scalp thinner? It might rain all day long. It's two in the afternoon and the rain which started in the morning is still falling. Walking in such weather is a grim thing to do. However, the scene through the window is quite picturesque. And with a cup of tea, I feel refresh and live. I had a patient in the morning who asked me, "Doctor, does the hair loss make the scalp become thinner? I think my scalp became s.. 더보기 (한방탈모치료는 과학이다)나에게 탈모가 발생할 확률은 얼마나 될까? (한방탈모치료는 과학이다)나에게 탈모가 발생할 확률은 얼마나 될까? 아이폰 어플리케이션인 탈모계산기(Hair loss checker)를 이제 곧 이문원한의원 홈페이지서도 사용할수 있게 됩니다. 탈모계산기(Hair loss checker) 어플리케이션은 2010년 4월 3일에 애플 앱스토어에 등록된 이후로 지금까지 5만건 이상 무료판매된 어플로서, 애플 앱스토어 의학분야에서 항상 10위~15위 안에 링크되는 인기 어플리케이션입니다 . 탈모계산기(Hair loss checker)는 이문원한의원의 이문원원장이 개발한 어플리케이션으로, 15문항에 스스로 답변을 하므로서 자신에게 탈모가 발생활 확률 또는 탈모가 악화될 확률을 알려주는 어플리케이션입니다. 어플리케이션 결과의 신뢰도를 높이기 위해 탈모환자 2000여.. 더보기 이전 1 다음